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Targetwoman Women Directory :: Birth Control Category

Targetwoman Women Directory > Health > Birth Control
Mirena (levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system) is a convenient, innovative and highly effective (more than 99 percent) method of contraception that lasts up to five years, or until removed. Now FDA approved, Mirena has been available for more than  More Details on Mirena

Using condoms, condom types & condom sizes
Choosing the right condom from the different shapes, types, sizes and flavours and how you use them. Reason for using condoms, confidence tips and excuses and answers about condom use.  More Details on Using condoms, condom types & condom sizes

Female Condom
Information on use of this method with intercourse and oral sex, including advantages and disadvantages.  More Details on Female Condom

Ortho Tri-cyclen Lo
A new birth control pill and an effective method of oral contraception and pregnancy prevention containing lower estrogen that improves cycle control with a favorable side effect profile.  More Details on Ortho Tri-cyclen Lo

Dial EC: Prescriptions for Emergency Contraception
Provides confidential access to emergency contraception for women in North Carolina, including prescriptions over the telephone. Site includes a FAQ.  More Details on Dial EC: Prescriptions for Emergency Contraception

Emergency Contraception - eMedicine Health
Patient-oriented overview of the topic.  More Details on Emergency Contraception - eMedicine Health

Emergency Contraception
Feminist Womens Health Centers information on using pills and IUDs to prevent pregnancy after unprotected intercourse, including cautions, side effects, danger signs, advantages and disadvantages.  More Details on Emergency Contraception

The Emergency Birth Control Organization
Comprehensive information about the morning after pill and emergency contraception, presented in a way that is easy to understand.  More Details on The Emergency Birth Control Organization

Vaginal Ring
Covers the use, side effects, advantages, and disadvantages of this birth control method. From the Feminist Womens Health Center.  More Details on Vaginal Ring

The Pill: 30 Years of Safety Concerns
This article from FDA Consumer magazine reviews the history of oral contraceptives, health concerns, health benefits, and trends toward the future.  More Details on The Pill: 30 Years of Safety Concerns

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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Birth Control category

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