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Targetwoman Women Directory :: Pregnancy Category

Targetwoman Women Directory > Health > Pregnancy
Vaginal Birth After Cesarean
Cesarean causes, guidelines, and delivery options when a cesarean birth has already taken place prior.  More Details on Vaginal Birth After Cesarean

Center for Postpartum Health
Addresses the pregnancy and birth needs of women and their families, before and after delivery, particularly as it pertains to the development of depression and other mood disorders.  More Details on Center for Postpartum Health

The Healthy Baby Resource
Discusses things to avoid during pregnancy and provides a comprehensive review to give babies a healthier environment before and after birth.  More Details on The Healthy Baby Resource

Cesarean Section Information
Internet resources for cesarean section.  More Details on Cesarean Section Information

Baby Center Nutrition
Suggestions for eating right before conception to after delivery. Some areas addressed are; weight calculations, important nutrients, caffeine, and a breastfeeding diet.  More Details on Baby Center Nutrition

Arkansas Center for Birth Defects Research and Prevention
This organization works to reduce the prevalence of birth defects and their economic, social, and psychological impact in Arkansas and the United States.  More Details on Arkansas Center for Birth Defects Research and Prevention

OB Calculator
Offering a gestational age table showing the weeks + days for every day of a pregnancy. Includes shareware computer program.  More Details on OB Calculator

Fetal Monitoring Tutorial
A tutorial about fetal monitoring during labour including example CTGs and test MCQs.  More Details on Fetal Monitoring Tutorial

Enemas & Childbirth
Article explaining use of enemas to speed labor, provide hydration, and stimulate contractions.  More Details on Enemas & Childbirth

Information and resources for unassisted childbirth.  More Details on Bornfree

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Friday, July 26, 2024

Pregnancy category

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